Monday, August 2, 2010

My Hike to the Peak

This is the bottom of the trail
Here are some of the other pictures I have been meaning to post. These are of my hike to the top of the peak. They pretty much speak for themselves. This is the beging of the trail. I took the long route starting from the eastern part of the city in a district called Kennedy Town.

Some of the side trails are pretty rugged, it was fun to head down these not knowing where I was going to end up. This park is kept very clean considering what the rest of the city looks like most of the time.
The trail opens up to some pretty amazing views of the city.

This was a pretty amazing night shot I took of the city from the tourist trap at the peak. The city has a light show every night at 8. It is kind of tacky I think. All of the building have tons of lights applied to the facades so they will stand out at night, and one building has green lasers they shoot off the roof. It is a little underwhelming after all the hype, but is something different.
Well that is it for now I guess. Check back in later for more on my trip to Macau this weekend. I didn't take my camera so I am waiting to get pictures from one of the guys I went with. So long from Hong Kong!

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