Sunday, August 1, 2010

Life at 115 Wing Lok Street.

So a quick catch up post. For the Last 2 weeks (it has only been 2 weeks!!! it feels like 2 months) I have been living in a little apartment on Wing Lok Street in a part of Hong Kong called Sheung Wan. Sheung Wan is one of the older districts in Hong Kong, it is way down at the base of the hill right next to the docks.Wing Lok street is known for it's ginseng markets and dried seafood stores. Here is a pick looking down Wing Lok near my place.

It is crazy to be surrounded by stores that I have no idea what they are selling, I can walk into one, and not recognize a single item for sale, can't read any of the labels, can't tell what any of it costs, and there is obviously a huge market for this stuff as 80% of the stores on my street all look exactly the same and are all selling the same stuff!

Here's a shot of what I am talking about. So here is home, it is a crazy place, if it's a sunny day all of these stores put this big trash can lid size trays of all of these goods out to dry right on the side walk. The only thing  have been able to recognize is sea cucumber or sea slug, they aparently love it!

Well here is a picture of home for me for a while. Good ole 115 Wing Lok. My little safe house in big ole Hong Kong. The door with the black and white tile is the front door to the building. I am on the 3rd floor. It is a pretty quiet neighbor hood most of the time. The only real problem is that it is quite a walk from here to the office, which is why I am writing this right now with a sweaty tee shirt on. Oh and the roaches!!! They take over the street at night! haven't found any in my place! But did get woken up the other night by rat the size of a small dog climbing up one of the pipes outside my window! Oh Charming Hong Kong!

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