Monday, July 19, 2010

So Far...

... Hong Kong is a pretty crazy place. I am moved into my apartment, which is very similar in size to the room I used to rent at Cory's place. I can cook, shave in the bathroom, and work on the computer all while sitting on the bed! My apartment is in an older part of town, so the smells are just spectacular. I am going to lose 20 lbs just cause every time I get hungry the smell of someone cooking something that smells like a foot wafts in and just about makes me hurl.

I met up with Tyler on saturday, and we went exploring, mostly based around trying to find a Luis Vouiton bag for Lauren. We saw Kowloon which is where they sell all the knock offs, and Tyler did some hard bargaining!

I haven't quite figured out how to get pictures up on the blog yet, since the internet doesn't work at my home computer, and my memory card isn't accepted by my work computer. But I will get it sorted soon and then post a bunch of pictures.

I have already made it Karaokeing as well, it is apparently the thing to do friday nights if you are chinese. They sang chinese pop songs all night.

Well that is it for now. More posts and hopefully some pics soon.


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