Friday, July 30, 2010

Lan Kwai Fun!!

As promised here are some pictures of what goes on around my office on an average Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Actually these pictures don't even do it justice. Anyway you can see how people get stuck here. Everyone I talk to seems to have the same story "I was supposed to be here for a here, and it's been 6" kind of thing.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Some Pics of Tyler and I in Kowloon

Finally got the camera thing working, so here are some pictures of my day in Kowloon with Tyler. This part of Hong Kong is crazy, there are all this specialty districts with open air markets. There are whole blocks that have nothing but gold fish shops.
This is a pic of Tyler in one.

Here are a few more pics of Kowloon, you can get a knock off of almost anything, so if anyone has any requests let me know.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Haven't posted in a while..

Ok well I haven't posted in a while, but mostly that is because I haven't been able to get pics up but that is still in the works.

So in the last week I have:

Survived a Typhoon warning! It got down graded just as it hit Hong Kong and wasn't scary crazy but was still pretty interesting to be sitting in my office at like noon and it's black out with thunder and lightning that shakes the building and nobody batts an eye. Oh and with a typhoon comes something called "Black Rain" which is when it rains more than 50mm in an hour! It's crazy the streets are all on 45 degree angles and turn into rivers. I got caught in it without an umbrella and got worked.

Went out in Lang Kwai Fun on a friday and saturday night! This is F'ing crazy. The pics will explain. But imagine Sharkeez and Boogaloo exploding to take over like 6 blocks, where anything goes, drinks in the street, ladies of the night!, and filling all of that with the hugest Aussie frat party ever! and it never stops! the bars never close!

Went to the Dragon Boat races! eh not that cool! I'll post pics.

Hiked to the top of the peak!. It's pretty much wet slippery stairs straight up the mountain! its also 85 degrees here with 90% humidity so I literally start sweating the moment I step outside (walks to work are awesome by the way! my dress shirts are wet more often than dry)
It was about a 6 mile hike, so naturally I was just soaked at the top, and what's up there? The ugliest building I have ever seen and millions and millions of tourists who take the tram up? and they say Americans are lazy! I am single handedly changing that stereotype to "Americans are Sweaty"

And lastly I got sick from local food! I got taken to an "authentic" chinese restraunt by a couple guys in the office, they did all the ordering since it was all in Cantonese, and it was all pretty good. Then they said "give him the soup". I tried it, not wanted to be rude, and let me tell you! I found out where the foot smell in Hong Kong comes from! I ate one piece of the chewey meat, before they told me it was goat intestine stew!

By the time I got home my stomach was in a knot and I got intimate with my HK toilet for a good couple hours!!!!

Ok well that's it for now. I have a cable for my camera coming in the mail (thanks Mom) and then pictures galore


Monday, July 19, 2010

The view from my office

Here is the only pic I have on my work computer so far, this is the view of Hong Kong from my

So Far...

... Hong Kong is a pretty crazy place. I am moved into my apartment, which is very similar in size to the room I used to rent at Cory's place. I can cook, shave in the bathroom, and work on the computer all while sitting on the bed! My apartment is in an older part of town, so the smells are just spectacular. I am going to lose 20 lbs just cause every time I get hungry the smell of someone cooking something that smells like a foot wafts in and just about makes me hurl.

I met up with Tyler on saturday, and we went exploring, mostly based around trying to find a Luis Vouiton bag for Lauren. We saw Kowloon which is where they sell all the knock offs, and Tyler did some hard bargaining!

I haven't quite figured out how to get pictures up on the blog yet, since the internet doesn't work at my home computer, and my memory card isn't accepted by my work computer. But I will get it sorted soon and then post a bunch of pictures.

I have already made it Karaokeing as well, it is apparently the thing to do friday nights if you are chinese. They sang chinese pop songs all night.

Well that is it for now. More posts and hopefully some pics soon.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Peace I'm out!!

Well this is my very first blog. I am in the first class lounge right now, and well... it's pretty awesome. Really makes a guy feel important. Oh yeah and there's free booze! Next post will be from the Orient!!!